certificate of value — A statement made in a document certifying that the transaction concerned is not part of a transaction (or series of transactions) for which the amount involved exceeds a certain value. The statement is made in relation to stamp duty, denoting… … Big dictionary of business and management
certificate of deposit — certificate of deposit: a money market bond of a preset face value (as $10,000) paying fixed interest and redeemable without penalty only on maturity (as after two years) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. certificate of… … Law dictionary
Certificate of origin — A Certificate of Origin (often abbreviated to CO or COO) is a document used in international trade. It traditionally states from what country the shipped goods originate, but originate in a CO does not mean the country the goods are shipped from … Wikipedia
Certificate of deposit — This article is specific to the United States. For a more general article, see Time deposit. Banking in the United States Monetary policy The Federal Reserve System Regulation Lending Credit card Deposit accounts Savings account Checking account … Wikipedia
Certificate revocation list — In the operation of some cryptosystems, usually public key infrastructures (PKIs), a certificate revocation list (CRL) is a list of certificates (or more specifically, a list of serial numbers for certificates) that have been revoked or are no… … Wikipedia
certificate of deposit — ( CD) A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a certificate. Chicago Board of Trade glossary ( CD) A large time deposit with a bank, having a specific maturity date and yield stated on the certificate. CDs usually are issued with… … Financial and business terms
Certificate (complexity) — In computational complexity theory, a certificate (also called a witness) is a string that certifies the answer to a computation, or certifies the membership of some string in a language. A certificate is often thought of as a solution path… … Wikipedia
value — The utility of an object in satisfying, directly or indirectly, the needs or desires of human beings, called by economists value in use, or its worth consisting in the power of purchasing other objects, called value in exchange. Joint Highway… … Black's law dictionary
Value added tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
Certificate of Entitlement — The Certificate of Entitlement (COE), instituted by the government of Singapore since May 1990, is a program designed to limit car ownership and hence the number of vehicles on the country s roads. This system in effect requires residents of… … Wikipedia